
The educational programs at our pre-school are guided by the National Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. (VEYLDF).

Both frameworks include Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes that set out key ideas about the ways in which we work with young children. These include a guide for children’s learning, development and outcomes.

The National Early Years Learning Framework is all about Belonging, Being and Becoming.

Belonging – by supporting children to belong, we provide them with the opportunity to be part of a community and to work towards achieving the learning outcomes.

Being – is about children having the chance to just be themselves. It is about allowing children the time to grow at their own pace, rather than feeling that we should always be rushing them onto the next stage in their lives.

Becoming – is about who children are growing up to be. It is about our role in supporting them to realize their potential, and also in helping them to grow into active members of the community.

The EYLF also has Principles and Practices and learning outcomes.

The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, has Practice Principles for Learning and Development. The Practice Principles are arranged into three categories, Collaborative, Effective and Reflective.

There are five Outcomes for both the National and State frameworks:

1.  Children have a strong sense of identity (Identity);  A strong sense of identity plays a vital role in children’s learning. When children know who they are, and are confident in themselves, they are better able to learn and build relationships with others.

2.  Children are connected with and contribute to their world (Community);  Children experience living and learning with others in a range of communicates. These might include families, local communities or early childhood settings. Having a positive sense of identity and experiencing respectful, responsive relationships strengthens children’s interest and skills in being and becoming active contributors to their world.

3.  Children have a strong sense of wellbeing (Wellbeing);  Wellbeing includes good physical health, feelings of happiness, satisfaction and successful social functioning. A strong sense of wellbeing provided children with confidence and optimism which maximize their learning potential.

4.  Children are confident and involved learners (Learning);  A sense of security and sound wellbeing gives the children the confidence to experiment and explore and to try out new ideas, thus developing their competence and becoming active and involved participants in learning.

5.  Children are effective communicators (Communication);  Communication is crucial to belonging, being and becoming. From birth children communicate with others using gestures, sounds, language and assisted communication. Children are social beings who are intrinsically motivated to exchange ideas, thoughts, questions and feelings, and to use a range of tools and media, including music, dance and drama, to express themselves, connect with others and to extend their learning.

(Vic. Gov. Publication, VEYLDF, 2009; Living Practice with EYLF, 2012).

Indra Preschool